Porto Central realiza primeiro encontro para falar sobre Gestão Ambiental

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  • Porto Central realiza primeiro encontro para falar sobre Gestão Ambiental

Next Saturday, June 4th, the first meeting of partners of the Environmental Education Program, PEA, in Porto Central will take place. The event is scheduled to start at 8:30 am at EMEIF Pluridocente Barra de Marobá.

The objective of the meeting is to raise awareness and motivate people and the community in general, so that they become involved and participate in PEA's actions. During the meeting, the public present will be able to learn a little more about Porto Central, in addition to the Environmental Management Program and Socioeconomic Programs and will participate in environmental and collective reflections.

Participating in the meeting are representatives of communities and segments of society and leaders, as well as representatives of the Public Power (Secretariat of Environment, Education, Health, Culture, Fisheries) from the three municipalities that are in the area of ​​Direct Influence of Porto Central, which are Marataízes and Presidente Kennedy in the state of Espírito Santo and São Francisco de Itabapoana in Rio de Janeiro.

This will be the starting point for the actions of the Environmental Education Program. Hence the importance of the involvement of leaders and other representatives of society. A participation instance will be created, which is the Sustainability Group, in each municipality. And the 03 groups will interconnect in order to encourage the formation of a regional network.

The work of the PEA began at the beginning of May with meetings with the Public Power and, later, in the communities, with representatives of the three municipalities involved, on-site conversations were held, to get to know the leaders, clarify doubts, mediate possible conflicts and mobilize for this first date.

Below is the schedule for the first meeting of PEA leaders.

08:30 – Welcome Breakfast (Round for brief presentation of participants – Name, Location, Word that summarizes this moment). – Guest departments: Environment, Education, Health, Culture of the 3 municipalities

09:15 – Presentation of the Meeting Objective (Expanded Network of Partnerships and the Local Sustainability Group – GS”). Collective Video Explain the dynamics of the Expectations Network, challenges and messages

09:45 – Presentation of Porto Central – Phase 1 made possible (30’ for Presentation and 10’ for Questions) – Fabio Cretton

10:25 – Socio-environmental Management of Porto Central (20' for Presentation and 10' for Questions) – Sueli Tonini

10:55 – Presentation of Socioeconomic Programs (1h and 5’ between Presentation and Questions) – Lea Reis/Equipe Programas

12:00 – End of Morning and Lunch Note: Participants are free to use the bathroom and have coffee during the program.

13:15 -Integration dynamics

13:30 – Environmental Awareness Lecture: Environment and Sustainability, Environmental Health – Walter Có

14:30 – Citizenship and Belonging – Marcos Sattler (Tuim): Strengthening Identity Ties. Collectives and Network (encourage the formation of the Local Sustainability Group).

15:30 – Referrals (Dates of the Diagnostic Workshops, Date of the Meetings of each GS (their objective, Term of Adhesion, etc.). Publication of the PEA telephone number (28) 99993-2023). Office disclosure.

16:00 – Closing and Coffee with Prose

16:30 – Departure of the transport vans for participants
