The initiative aims to value local culture and strengthen the communities' sense of belonging.
Residents from three communities took part in cultural heritage education lectures promoted by Porto Central this January. The meetings were held in Marobá (Presidente Kennedy - ES), Boa Vista do Sul (Marataízes - ES), and Barra do Itabapoana (São Francisco do Itabapoana - RJ), gathering approximately 50 participants.
During the lectures, specialists explained the concept of tangible and intangible heritage, highlighting traditions, historical buildings, and cultural elements that shape the local identity. Preserving these aspects is essential to keeping the region’s history alive, strengthening the community’s sense of belonging, and valuing knowledge passed down through generations.
Essa ação faz parte do Programa de Educação Patrimonial (PEP) do Porto Central e atende a um compromisso ambiental assumido junto ao Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA). Com o sucesso da primeira etapa, novas palestras estão sendo planejadas para ampliar o impacto do projeto e fortalecer o envolvimento da comunidade na proteção do patrimônio cultural.