General subjects

General subjects

General subjects

How is press service handled?

Journalists interested in receiving information about Porto Central can register via the website at:

There is a company specialized in press relations that provides intermediation.

How can I ask questions or express concerns about the project?

On the Porto Central website, in the Contact Us area, you can find all the ways to contact the company.

The Customer Service Center has opening hours from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 12 pm and from 1 pm to 6 pm. Contact: 0800 377 9053,  [email protected].

In the case of complaints, use the Ethics Channel.

How can I make a complaint about Porto Central or a worker or company hired by it?

Reinforcing our commitment to transparency, we created the Ethics Channel to forward and investigate possible complaints by the Ethics Committee.


Reporting complaints, suggestions and queries can be made via telephone call (0800), website and in the future also via application. The service is specialized, provided by psychologists, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Calls are always free, from anywhere in the country. In all cases, confidentiality, anonymity, independence, impartiality and impartiality in the processing, investigation and archiving of information received will be ensured.

How many employees work at Porto Central today?

There are 29 professionals, including employees and direct contractors from different sectors. We also count on the support of external suppliers and consultants to complement our team and contribute specific expertise in certain areas.

This number refers to the current phase of the project, and there may be substantial variations depending on each phase.

Will the port be open to the public?

Porto Central is a commercial and private enterprise and, for security reasons, access is restricted to those directly involved in its operations, such as workers, operators, and users of the port complex.

There is a program of monitored technical visits by prior appointment, allowing these to take place in a safe and organized manner.

What procedures are adopted for scheduling a technical visit?

There is a program of monitored technical visits by prior appointment, allowing these to take place in a safe and organized manner.