


What are the social participation programs?

There are 4 programs that have committees to encourage social participation. These programs are: Professional Training Program (PCP), Labor Mobilization and Demobilization Program (PMD), Regional Development Support Program (PADR) and Socioeconomic Monitoring Program (PMSE).


Its committees count on the participation of various institutions and organized civil society. Are they:


– The Monitoring Committee for the Socioeconomic Monitoring Program (Campoc), focused on monitoring issues of social and industrial infrastructure and services in the Area of ​​Direct Influence (AID) of Porto Central. This commission carries out periodic assessments to verify possible socioeconomic changes in the context of the implementation and operation of the port complex and the need to expand measures that reduce negative impacts or enhance positive ones.


– The Regional Development Management Committee (CGDR), which aims to stimulate the regional development of sustainable businesses in the Areas of Direct and Indirect Influence of Porto Central, through the participation of local companies in the supply of goods and services that will be demanded by large companies, including Porto Central.


– The Labor Management Commission (CGMD), which seeks to promote the development of the region, directing efforts towards generating work, income and improving the quality of life, through professional training, prioritizing local labor and controlling the flow of professionals who will be mobilized and demobilized in the area of ​​influence of Porto Central, by the project and its contractors/subcontractors.


To participate, you must have a CNPJ and fill out the registration form in the groups where there is greater interest and justification for the entity to participate.


Another way to participate, without the need to have a CNPJ, is to join one of the three Sustainability Groups (GS), formed one in each AID municipality, which aims to participate in Environmental Education Program (PEA) events. , which, despite its name, not only takes care of educating on environmental issues, but also takes care of close relationships with communities.

How do I participate in the Social Participation Forums?

To participate in CAMPOC and CGDR, you must have a CNPJ and fill out the registration form in the groups where there is greater interest and present the justification for the entity to participate. The CGMD is mostly made up of public bodies responsible for intermediating labor, generating work and income and the like, and institutions accredited to offer training.

Registration can be carried out on the Porto Central website:

Another way to participate, without the need to have a CNPJ, is to join one of the 03 Sustainability Groups (GS), formed, one (01) in each AID municipality, which aims to participate in Education Program events Environmental (PEA), which despite its name not only takes care of educating on environmental issues, but also takes care of close relationships with communities.

How does the port impact the local community?

A port is a large undertaking and, when it is built, it brings significant changes to the surrounding community, both in economic and social terms. Some of these changes are good, and others need special attention to be well managed.

The main positive points include the generation of employment and income, professional training, local development with new business opportunities for local companies and an increase in municipal revenue and the expansion of tourism potential. Furthermore, the project helps to attract new investments and businesses to the region.

But there are challenges! We can mention some, such as: changes to the environment; changing local routine with people coming from outside and influencing infrastructure, economy and culture; increased traffic flow; alteration of the landscape, among others. To this end, Porto Central has committed to several social and environmental programs to implement actions to mitigate and compensate for these impacts.

Are there community engagement programs?

The main community engagement actions are related to the “Social Participation Forums”, through which organized society (entities such as associations, NGOs, public authorities, companies, academia and others) gains a voice in planning, organization, monitoring decisions and evaluation and, also, in the formulation of propositions in the fields of socioeconomics, economic development, mobilization and demobilization of labor.

Community engagement is treated even more objectively in the Sustainability Groups (GS) formed in each AID municipality.

And the Socioeconomic Programs are:

– Socioeconomic (Indicator) Monitoring Program.

– Social Communication Program

– Interference Mitigation Program in the Road System

– Fishing Landing Monitoring Program

– Regional Development Support Program

– Professional Training Program

– Labor Mobilization and Demobilization Program

– Environmental Education Program

– Archaeological Prospecting and Heritage Education Program

– Basic Environmental Plan – Quilombola Component

The State Culture System (Secult and CEC-ES) has also proposed the Program for the Protection and Enhancement of Historical and Cultural Heritage associated with the Nossa Senhora das Neves Church, which is still under examination.

Does the port comply with international human rights standards?

We are firmly committed to ensuring that the port operates in an ethical and transparent manner, respecting all principles relating to internationally recognized human rights, directly and indirectly, also demanding compliance from suppliers, contractors, consultants and employees.


The company supports and respects the protection of human rights. To ensure this, we created the Ethics Channel, a space where anyone can report concerns or make complaints or even make suggestions about the port, workers or companies hired by it. The Ethics Channel is available 24 hours a day on 0800 517-1045 (toll-free) or via the website

How will Porto Central affect the Nossa Senhora das Neves Church?

For the installation and operation of Phase 1, no interference is foreseen in the surroundings of the Nossa Senhora das Neves Church.

Gradually, throughout the installation and future operation of the following phases of Porto Central, the most relevant impact on the church will be the transformation of the surrounding landscape. And, to minimize this impact, Porto Central donated an area of ​​5 hectares around the church and separated another 21 hectares as a buffer zone, to serve as a green belt at the site and also for the development of the project aimed at protecting and enhancing the historical and cultural heritage associated with the property listed by the State Council of Culture of Espírito Santo.

The port’s interventions will respect the agreed limits, always in alignment with the Guardian Diocese and the historical-cultural heritage defense bodies, with goals to protect the church and the culture associated with it.

The Pilgrimage of Neves, an important local religious mobilization, could be affected by the project?

During Phase 1 of Porto Central, nothing will change in relation to the way the Pilgrimage of Neves takes place. Currently, there are no isolations that would cause harm to the pilgrimage.


In the future phases of the project and after the implementation of the ES-060 variant, the Pilgrimage of Neves will continue to take place, but on a new route starting from this variant, which is then more appropriate and designed precisely to create calm conditions for the continuity of this important manifestation of faith.

How will the port support women?

Porto Central offers equal employment opportunities and has an inclusive and diverse work environment. A policy to support women and other sensitive groups, such as quilombolas and fishermen, is being developed.

Will the development of the port bring improvements in infrastructure and services that specifically benefit women, such as schools, daycare centers and markets?

There are several social programs for monitoring indicators for socioeconomic monitoring linked to education, health and security, among others. Members of the Social Participation Forums, especially the Monitoring Committee for the Socioeconomic Monitoring Program (Campoc), will be able to analyze this data and outline coping strategies. The infrastructure, in a way, improves through an increase in the municipality’s revenue, through the taxes that will be generated.



How will the port's development affect young people? Will there be new facilities or entertainment spaces created?

Port development can create employment opportunities for local youth, both directly at the port and in related activities, stimulating economic growth and providing career options. It can also increase demand for educational and training services, creating new learning and professional development opportunities for young people.


Considering the current stage of pre-installation of Porto Central, the development of facilities or entertainment spaces is still premature, making it possible to offer entertainment associated with environmental and heritage education processes. In the future, it is planned to install a more robust Socio-Environmental Education Center, where it will be possible to develop environmental and cultural events, capable of offering healthy entertainment to resident families and tourists.

How does Porto Central interact with and protect neighboring quilombola communities?

Porto Central maintains a direct relationship with two specific quilombola communities, Cacimbinha and Boa Esperança, located less than 8 km from the project. Interaction with these communities began in 2015, when the port prepared and presented a Specific Basic Environmental Plan (PBA) for the Quilombola Component to the Palmares Cultural Foundation (FCP), aiming to meet the needs and protect the rights of these communities. Since then, Porto Central continues to actively dialogue with Cacimbinha and Boa Esperança to update and improve the PBA, ensuring the protection of the environment, culture and quilombola territory, in order to respect and value the heritage and life of these communities.



Will the port affect the territorial rights of the quilombola community?

No. The port seeks to be a partner in the development and strengthening of the culture of quilombola communities, through various actions that will be implemented within the scope of the Quilombola Basic Environmental Plan, as soon as the installation of the project begins.


On the other hand, the mitigation of the main indirect impact, related to harassment to purchase private land that makes up the quilombola territory, will be worked on in the quilombola community to increase the feeling of belonging and opportunities for local development, so that the proposals for the sale of properties, thus maintaining the identity and differentiated territory, a cultural and tourist asset of Presidente Kennedy.

How will the development of the port impact quilombola culture, traditions and way of life?

Porto Central is discussing with quilombola communities actions to strengthen their culture and traditions. In this way, through these actions to value and monitor social indicators, there will be no direct impact on the quilombola way of life, unless in what they decide to change, for their well-being and the well-being of other communities.

Will there be programs or partnerships to offer education and training to young quilombolas, considering their culture and traditions?

Yes. They are foreseen in the Quilombola Basic Environmental Plan.



If the port encourages tourism, how will this affect the community? Will there be efforts to promote respectful cultural tourism?

The development of local tourism, in addition to that currently recognized as linked to faith and the beauty of the historical heritage, the Nossa Senhora das Neves Church, will be of paramount importance for the creation of other markets linked to art and culture, valuing knowledge and the knowledge that is part of and contributes to the identity of the region. Therefore, the proposal will be to promote this tourism so that it strengthens and values ​​important ways of life, such as that of fishermen, quilombolas and farmers, among others, always listening to the actors who play a leading role in this tourist asset.

What will be the long-term impact of the port on the sustainability and future of the quilombola community?

Through actions, built together with quilombola communities and in constant dialogue with public authorities and entities in charge of working with quilombola communities, the aim will be to reduce negative impacts and increase positive ones, including business opportunities through their culture.



Will Porto Central make investments to improve and maintain the region’s roads?

Investments for the improvement and conservation of roads in the region are commitments established by the municipal governments of Presidente Kennedy and the State of Espírito Santo with Porto Central. No uses of RJ-224 are expected to be very different from the current ones, especially during the installation and operation of Phase 1. For future phases and in consideration of the interest of suppliers in Rio de Janeiro, it is expected that the same commitment will be established with that State.



How will Porto Central affect the economy of the region, the State and the country?

Porto Central is a mega-project that will contribute to regional economic dynamism and growth, boosting the local economy, generating direct and indirect jobs in the region, attracting new businesses and investments from national and international companies. It will also contribute to the development of regional logistics infrastructure, requiring significant investments in road improvements, new railways, pipeline access and energy systems, development of regional production chains, increasing the competitiveness of local products and the generation of tax revenue with the growth of collection of taxes and fees, at the three government levels (municipal, state and federal).



Will capturing water to operate the port reduce supply to the population?

It is not planned to use water from the municipality’s public supply system to serve the port. The grant of raw water from the Itabapoana River, obtained by Porto Central from the National Basic Sanitation Water Agency (ANA) for logistical and industrial use in the port, considered in its calculations compliance with the legal aspect provided for priority water reserve for supply human, animal watering and ecological use.



Will there be any work to prevent the region from becoming slums?

There are several socioeconomic monitoring programs to monitor various indicators in the region, such as housing, Human Development Index (HDI), security, land use and occupation. In this way, it will be possible to identify sources of irregular occupation, which must be informed so that, through actions coordinated by the municipal bodies responsible for urban posture and inspection of land use and occupation, disorderly growth can be avoided and the slum development of areas prevented.



Will there be a system for continuous monitoring of the port’s socioeconomic impacts?

Yes. In relation to socioeconomic impacts, the assessment of these effects will be reviewed every six months in general meetings organized by the Socioeconomic Monitoring Program Monitoring Committee (Campoc). This commission, which already has a formation that represents the majority of groups in the port’s Area of ​​Direct Influence (AID), will analyze and debate the results of the monitoring. These discussions are structured into five Working Groups (WGs), each focused on different aspects of monitoring. New entities interested in contributing to the socioeconomic monitoring process can join Campoc, as long as they present a reasoned request and are approved by current members.