What will be the impacts on fishing activity and what measures and programs will be implemented?
The most important impacts arising from installation and operation are related to restrictions on navigation and fishing. In the areas that will be dredged and in the sediment disposal area, there will be restrictions on fishing and additional navigation precautions during the works, for safety reasons, due to the continuous traffic of the vessels involved during these activities. When in operation, as in other ports in Brazil, in the port access channel and in the ship anchoring areas, there will also be restrictions on fishing, and Navy regulations regarding navigation safety in these areas must be followed.
The communities directly affected will have compensation and, since September 2021, monitoring of fishing landings has been carried out, that is, monitoring of fishing production in all its aspects and in each of the fishing communities in the specific fishing Influence Area, which will constitute a baseline without the port, for future comparisons, with the port. These comparisons will be used to verify future real impacts on production. Among the socio-environmental programs to mitigate these impacts are: Monitoring of Fishing Activities and Compensation of Fishing Activities.
Due to the lapse of time since the first agreement on compensatory projects, in 2015, later revalidated in 2017, in a new consultation with fishing communities due to the change in location of the Oceanic Disposition Area (ADO), resulting from the complementary studies required by Ibama for maximum protection of marine environmental assets, since September 2021, fishing communities have been discussing possible needs to review and update their Fishing Activity Compensation Plans (PCAP). This process is currently in the finalization phase (March/24), and the compensatory projects that make sense for the 04 communities of Marataízes (Boa Vista, Praia dos Cações, Pontal do Itapemirim and Barra do Itapemirim, with the latter two absorbing the landings that previously occurred in the Community of Marataízes-Sede), for 01 community of São Francisco de Itabapoana (Barra de Itabapoana) and is in the final phase of negotiation with 01 community of Presidente Kennedy (Marobá).
After the Porto Central PCAP 2024 has been agreed, with the chosen compensation projects redefined or confirmed, the next step is to detail the demands, assess possible difficulties or potentialities for implementation and then estimate the budget for the examination and planning of the company. with a view to service. The services will begin when the start of construction is completely approved by Ibama. Considering that the construction will begin with vegetation removal and then the construction relating to the installation of the construction site and other land works, the PCAP will have its service started before the beginning of the interventions at sea. Depending on the characteristics of the chosen projects, services may occur quickly, as in the case of services involving the purchase of tools and equipment, and others will occur according to a schedule, which will also be additionally agreed with the communities whose chosen projects involve works or services, whose feasibility deadlines are not entirely under the management of Porto Central, as they depend on the availability of third parties (in the case of courses for Waterways, which depend on the availability of the Navy to apply the courses, tests and issuing qualification certificates, or in case of works and installations, which depend on municipal, state and even federal licensing, depending on each case). The monitoring of progress and the discussion of alternatives, if difficulties arise in the implementation of the agreed projects, will be carried out by the PCAP Monitoring Committees of each community together with Porto Central and its contractors, until the completion and full delivery of what was committed by Porto Central. |
What type of compensation will fishermen receive?
The Fishing Activities Compensation Program (PCAP) is being finalized, after consultations with fishing communities in AID municipalities. Compensations will be made with the start of marine works.
In the future, with each completed year of fishing production statistics, resulting from the Fisheries Landing Monitoring Program (PMDP), new assessments of the sufficiency of the PCAP of each community will be carried out, for the eventual agreement of a complementary PCAP, as indicated necessary by the result of the PMDP. Therefore, the participation of fishermen in providing reliable information is very important.
Will the construction and operation of the port affect marine life?
All environmental impacts on marine life and their respective attenuation, mitigation and monitoring actions were considered in the Porto Central environmental licensing process, and are included in the various environmental programs and incorporated into the construction project of the enterprise, which is self-determined in the search for good sustainability practices for minimum impact on marine natural assets. |
How will the presence of the port and increased maritime traffic affect the safety of fishermen at sea?
The presence of Porto Central will increase vessel traffic in the surrounding region, due to its installation and operation activities. Therefore, greater attention should be paid to the Brazilian Navy’s navigation safety standards (NORMAMs and Notices to Navigators), in order to avoid accidents.
Some fishing communities have included courses in their PCAPs to increase fishermen’s skills and corresponding certification, and also to increase knowledge about navigation rules that ensure better accident prevention conditions. Regardless of the choices in the PCAP, Porto Central will promote lectures on navigation safety, within the scope of Line 1 of the Environmental Education Program, aimed at relationships with communities, especially the most vulnerable, such as fishermen. |
How will the port affect the long-term sustainability of fishing in the region?
Several socio-environmental programs will contribute to reducing and controlling impacts on human communities and biodiversity. Monitoring of marine communities and fishing landings and monitoring of the progress and economic, social and cultural dynamics of fishing communities, through specific works of the Environmental Education Program (PEA) and the Socioeconomic Monitoring Program (PMSE), will follow in a continuous way.
The results of these two processes, monitoring fishing production and monitoring the socioeconomic dynamics of fishing in the AID, will provide guidance for the discussion of measures to minimize negative impacts and expand positive impacts, with a focus on maintaining the sustainability of fishing activity in the region, in its different dimensions. |
How will riverside fishermen be compensated?
The Environmental and Fisheries Compensation Plan (PCAP) is being discussed together with the Z-14 and Z-01 Fishing Colony, with the aim of providing compensation that benefits all fishermen, whether marine or riverside.
Possible impacts on riverine fishing are only foreseen in Phase 3 of the project. To adequately assess these impacts, Porto Central, in dialogue with the fishing community, decided to carry out a characterization of fishing in the Alagados do Itabapoana region, involving fishermen from Presidente Kennedy and São Francisco de Itabapoana. This characterization is fundamental for planning and proposing to Ibama, in agreement with fishermen, a proposal for monitoring riverine fishing landings, aiming to better understand the impacts and possible compensations. The characterization was completed in 2023 and is in the tabulation process. |
What measures and programs will be implemented to compensate affected fishermen?
To offset the impacts on fishing activity, Porto Central adopted several measures:
– Fishing Activities Compensation Plan (PCAP): after prior consultations with the affected communities, compensatory projects specific to their needs were agreed. This plan began to be developed in 2015 and underwent updates in 2017. It is the subject of discussion processes between 2021 and now to reflect necessary changes and adjustments to compensation strategies.
– Fishing Landing Monitoring Program (PMDP): implemented since September 2021, its objective is to monitor fishing activity in the port’s Area of Influence, creating a database on fishing landings before the installation of the port for future comparison. This way, it will be possible to assess the real impacts of the port on fishing and adjust compensation measures as necessary.
In addition to these programs, PCAP execution will begin after the start of land works and before the start of marine works and will continue according to the schedule of projects selected by the communities. Monitoring progress and discussing alternatives are the responsibilities of the PCAP Monitoring Committees of each community, with support from the Environmental Education team responsible for Line of Action V, ensuring that commitments are fully fulfilled.
How can tourism development affect the image and reputation of the fishing community, and what are the implications for women?
Tourism development in the region will be highly positive for fishing communities and women who are linked, directly or indirectly, to this sector. Fish processing, restaurants with local fish purchased directly from fishermen, handicrafts with by-products from fishing and its processing, fairs, boat trips, all of this is an example of a new branch of business that can emerge in the region, thus generating greater income and improving the quality of life of its residents. Monitoring the dynamics of tourism, the environment, fishing and culture will be the subject of work by the Monitoring Committee for the Socioeconomic Monitoring Program (Campoc), specifically in Working Group nº 05. |