Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

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Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page of Porto Central. This section is designed to provide quick and easy answers to the most common inquiries raised by the society or that we have received about our project.

The FAQ serves as an accessible tool to clarify questions and disseminate correct and up-to-date information in an organized and straightforward manner, ensuring transparency in the project's process. The FAQ is part of the Social Communication Program - PCS (LI 1436/23) and is a requirement of IBAMA.

Whether you are a new visitor seeking information or a long-time partner looking for specific details, our FAQ page is here to assist you. To make your search even easier, we've organized our questions and answers into main subjects.

Our commitment is to be a socially responsible company in practice. This means that even before the start of the construction, we cherish and work for the well-being of our team of employees, outsourced workers, service and product suppliers and, with equal importance, the communities where we seek to insert the port project.

O que buscamos é fazer do Porto Central um importante motor para o desenvolvimento social e econômico das regiões Sul do Espírito Santo e Norte do Rio de Janeiro, ampliando os impactos positivos do investimento, especialmente ao maximizar as oportunidades e a qualidade de vida local, e minimizando os impactos negativos da implantação, por meio de ações ambientais, sociais e de gorvenança pautadas pelo conceito ESG – Environmental, Social and Governance (Ambiental, Social e Governança, na tradução) e alinhadas aos Objetivos Sustentáveis Mundiais da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU).

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