Nos dias 7 a 9 de abril de 2015 o Porto Central esteve presente como expositor na prestigiada Feira Internacional de Logística INTERMODAL SOUTH AMERICA 2015, realizada no Transamérica Expo Center em São Paulo.
A Intermodal é considerada uma das maiores e mais importantes feiras no setor de logística do mundo e contou com a presença de renomadas empresas expositoras do setor portuário e de transporte marítimo e cerca de 50 mil visitantes.
O Porto Central compartilhou um estande com seus parceiros da Rede Global de Portos; o Porto de Roterdã e o SOHAR Port and Freezone de Omã.
O estande Porto Central / Porto de Roterdã / SOHAR Port and Freezone contou com a visita de clientes, fornecedores, empresas no setor de logística nacionais e internacionais, companhias de seguros, jornalistas, steakholders e amigos. O estande também foi prestigiado pela visita do embaixador holandês no Brasil, Sr. Han Peters. Em ambiente agradável, os visitantes puderam conhecer sobre esta aliança internacional entre portos.
O estande contou com participação de altos executivos de Roterdã e de Omã, bem como do Brasil, incluindo o CEO do Porto Central, Sr. José Maria Novaes, e o COO, Sr. Edwin van Espen.
Os visitantes da Intermodal puderam conhecer o Porto Central e obter informações sobre o projeto em primeira mão, ficando impressionados com a magnitude do projeto ao longo de seus 18 km2 de área, onde é possível a construção e operação de terminais em um sistema de condomínio dentro de um complexo portuário privado.
O CEO do Porto Central, Sr. José Maria Novaes, o Diretor do Porto de Roterdã Internacional, Sr. Roger Clasquin, e o Gerente Executivo Comercial do Porto de Sohar e Freezone, Sr. Edwin Lammers, explicaram, em uma coletiva de impressa, sobre a Rede Global de Portos e a importância de cada porto parceiro, esclarecendo dúvidas e respondendo perguntas dos jornalistas ali presentes.
O evento INTERMODAL 2015 foi um sucesso e já estamos planejando nosso retorno para a INTERMODAL 2016.
Porto Central was present as an exhibitor for the first time at the prestigious logistics fair INTERMODAL SOUTH AMERICA 2015 held at the Transamerica Expo Center in São Paulo from April, 7th to the 9th. Porto Central shared a booth with its sister ports, the Port of Rotterdam and the SOHAR Port and Freezone. All these ports are part of the Global Port Network.
The fair is considered one of the largest and most important in logistics in the world, including ports and seaway transportation companies, not only from South America but from many parts of the world and was visited by an estimated 50 thousand people.
The Porto Central / Port of Rotterdam / SOHAR Port and Freezone booth was visited by many people throughout the 3 days, including customers, suppliers, several national and international logistical companies, insurance companies, reporters, stakeholders and friends. There they were able to get to know about the Global Port Network which provide the same high level of operations and reliability in the three participating ports.
The booth was well staffed by high level executives from Rotterdam and from Oman, as well as from Brazil, including the Porto Central CEO, Mr. José Maria Novaes, and the COO, Mr. Edwin van Espen. As this was our first time at Intermodal, many people did know about Porto Central and were able to be get information about the project. Those that were not aware of the Porto Central project were impressed with the size (18 km2) of such a new port on the Brazilian coast, where they can build and operate their own terminal in a Private Port Complex in Brazil. Also the Dutch Ambassador to Brazil, Mr. Han Peters, visited the booth.
A press conference was held where the CEO of Porto Central, Mr. José Maria Novaes, the Director of Port of Rotterdam International, Mr. Roger Clasquin, and the Executive Commercial Manager of SOHAR Port and Freezone, Mr. Edwin Lammers, explained about the Global Port Network to the reporters present. Projections were made of each port and questions made by the reporters were answered.
Overall the INTERMODAL 2015 event was very fruitful and we are already planning to be back