O Porto Central participou do Seminário Internacional Brasil-Holanda: Modelos Inovadores em Logística realizado no dia 28 de junho de 2016 na Câmara dos Deputados em Brasília.
O seminário foi uma iniciativa da Frente Parlamentar e da Embaixada da Holanda, com realização do Congresso Nacional e o apoio institucional do Ministério de Transportes, Portos e Aviação e da ANTAQ, com o objetivo de promover um debate sobre as novas tecnologias aplicadas à logística.
O evento discutiu temas como as perspectivas para os investimentos na infraestrutura brasileira e a experiência e multimodalidade de logística vivenciada na Holanda.
Diversas autoridades estiveram presente no evento: o Ministro de Transportes, Maurício Quintella, os Diretores da ANTAQ, Adalberto Tokarski e Fernando Fonseca, e o Ministro Conselheiro da Embaixada da Holanda no Brasil, Paul Zwetsloot.
No evento, o Porto Central fez uma palestra apresentando o porto como uma nova alternativa competitiva para o escoamento de grãos do Centro-Oeste. O porto está estrategicamente bem localizado próximos às principais regiões agrícolas do país, sendo facilmente acessado pelo modal rodoviário e futuramente pelas novas ferrovias, EF-118 e EF-354, proporcionando uma conexão direta com o a região.
[:en]Porto Central participated at the International Seminar Brazil-Netherlands: Innovative Models in Logistic held on June 28, 2016 at the Chamber of Deputies in Brasília.
The seminar was an initiative of the Parliament and the Dutch Embassy, with the institutional support from the National Congress, the Ministry of Transport and ANTAQ, in order to promote a debate on new technologies applied to logistics.
The event discussed topics such as the outlook for investments in Brazilian infrastructure and the experience and multimodality of logistics in the Netherlands.
Several authorities were present at the event: the Minister of Transport, Maurício Quintella, the Directors of ANTAQ, Adalberto Tokarski and Fernando Fonseca, and the Minister Counsellor of the Dutch Embassy in Brazil, Paulo Zwetsloot.
In the event, Porto Central made a presentation showing the port as a new competitive alternative for the export of grains from the Midwest. The port is strategically well located near the main agricultural regions of the country. The port is easily reachable by roads and by the future railways, EF-118 and EF-354, providing a direct connection with the Midwest region of Brazil.
With no doubt, the implementation of integrated logistic corridors is the key to improve competitiveness and operational efficiency and with the participation of its Dutch partner, the Port of Rotterdam, Porto Central is developing a world-class port, which will make Porto Central part of the main national integrated logistic corridors.